REVIEW: Blue Beetle
1 min read
Blue Beetle represents the worst possible path DCU films could take. The film painfully treads all-too-familiar ground, borrowing plots and characters, and even carbon-copying scenes from DC’s comic rival without adding anything new or exciting.
You’ve seen all of these characters before. You’ve seen these action sequences before. You’ve heard these jokes before, but previously done better. Blue Beetle is, sadly, a rehash of the weakest points of the MCU’s last few years
However, the film does have one saving grace in Cobra Kai’s Xolo Maridueña, who possesses and demonstrates a leading man’s charm and charisma. His efforts to connect the film’s heart and message through the constant bombardment of overacting and tired tropes does not go unnoticed.
If only Blue Beetle had given him something to work with (a good villain, a solid sidekick, a decent plot), the movie would have resonated more. As it stands, Blue Beetle is an okay and occasionally enjoyable way to pass a few hours, but is ultimately more fodder for comic book fatigue.
We’re giving this Bug 2.5 Turds out of 5