Arcade1Up’s Atari 50th Anniversary Cabinet Includes 64 Games, Preorders Live Now
1 min read
Arcade1Up has an impressive roster of cabinets up for grabs, and its lineup is once again expanding with the launch of the Atari 50th Anniversary Deluxe Arcade on October 3. The premium cabinet includes a bundle of iconic games–including Asteroids, Centipede, and Missile Command–and preorders are now open ahead of its release later this year.
Arcade1Up Atari 50th Anniversary Deluxe Cabinet
Standing 61 inches tall and featuring a 17-inch display, this full-size cabinet (no riser needed) aims to offer an authentic, arcade-like experience. Standout features include light-up buttons and marquee, a trackball, dual speakers, and slick artwork wrapping the entire cabinet. You’ll be able to see how you stack up against other Atari enthusiasts via online leaderboards.
Here’s a look at the 14 arcade games packed into the cabinet:
AsteroidsCentipedeMajor HavocMissile CommandAkka ArrhCrystal CastlesTempestMillipedeGravitarLiberatorAsteroids DeluxeSpace Duel (1P)Super BreakoutLunar Lander
If those arcade games aren’t enough to keep you busy, a staggering 50 Atari 2600 classics are also available on the unit.